PE_Newsletter_2019_Online, Page 17

PE_Newsletter_2019_Online, Page 17

implementation with all the rabbit holes an engineer can think up.” We want to specially thank Mr. Brain Peters (VP, Engineering & Construction) and his technical team who donated their spare time preparing and presenting the project, answering students’ questions throughout the semester, and listening to as well as providing feed- back on the students’ final presentation. We also thank Brad Gentry (Engineering Manager, Mines Alumni) and Dain Santarelli (Project Manager), who also attended the student’s final project presentation and made valuable suggestions and comments.

Our students and engineers from Meritage Midstream. In addition, we want to sincerely thank all the invited

guest speakers in PEGN 463! Their cutting-edge technol- ogies and technical knowledge and experiences are precious for all our students. JJ Williams (Regional Director for OptaSense Inc. and 2019 chairman of the Fiber Optic Sensing Association (FOSA)), gave a lecture about pipeline monitoring using fiber optic sensing. Mr. Bruce Bingham (Manager of Engineering and Technology Development, T.D.Williamson) and Mr. Eric Freeman (Sr. Manager, Engineering Talent Development, T.D.Williamson) talked about hot-tapping and pipeline pigging. Dr. Mike Kirkwood (Director, Integrity Engineering Solutions, T.D.Williamson) pro- vided a lecture on pipeline integrity. Mr. Jeffrey Cit-

rone (Manager, Health & Safety Compliance) and Mr.

Mr. Eric Freeman

James Fleak (Director, Regulatory Compliance) from

giving a lecture

Kahuna Midstream presented on environmental and

on pipeline

safety regulations. Mr. Kevin D. Burt, territory man-

pigging. Mr.

ager (SW Region) from Gardner Denver, lectured on

Bruce Bingham

liquid ring pump and compressor technology for the

(sitting front

petroleum midstream sector. We also had a great

row, left) just

talk on vapor recovery technologies and regulatory

finished his

issues given by CSM PE alumni Mr. Peter M. Muel-

presentation on

ler (Co-founder, technical & regulatory advisor of

hot tapping.

EcoVapor Recovery Systems, CSM PE ‘78), Mr. Mike Leonard (Community relations unit manager, COG- CC), Mr. Paul Munding (VP of petroleum engineering, Flogistix), and Mr. Jason Fortner (Director of Sales & Marketing, Flogistix).

We wouldn’t have had such a successful semester without your support for this class and the petroleum midstream minor de- gree. We believe that the petroleum midstream minor will grow stronger and stronger. Our goal is simple: to make our stu- dents ready to work in industry by the time they graduate!

Mr. Kevin D. Burt and Prof. Green.

The group from the vapor recovery class.

Dr. Mike Kirkwood with our students and professor.

JJ Williams’ class lecture and a slide from the lecture showing a Fiber Optic Sensor Signal when monitoring surrounding activities.