PAB Members
Thanks to the PAB members for their support and advocacy! They work as a whole and on subcommittess to support the department with curriuculum development, mentorship opportunities, the alumni survey and developing partnerships and data sharing with industry.
Our Program Advisory Board members in alphabetical order. Not pictured are Mojtaba Shahri, Apache and Sandy Stash.
Our current members are David Bryant, BHP Billiton; Kevin Cham - bers, Chevron; David Choi,Premier Oilfield Group; Allen Gilmer, Drill - ing Info; Pat Hogelin; Susan Howes, Surface Consultants & Associ - ates, LLC; Jessica Iriarte, Well Data Labs; Mohan Kelkar, University of Tulsa; Basak Kurtoglu, Quantum Energy; Fersheed Mody, Inde - pendant Consultant; Vicky Nielsen, Hess; Brian Owens, Oxy; James Page, Oxy: Amanda Rebol, Kimmeridge; Clifford Danden, Cimarex; Bill Santrom, Halliburton; Adam Sayers, Axia Energy; Mojtaba Shahri, Apache; Mark Sonnenfeld, Cimarex; Sandy Stash; and Barry Thomas, Concho.
2020 Alumni Survey Results
In the Spring of 2020, the PAB for the Petroleum Engineering (PE) De- partment at Mines sent a survey to 2485 Mines PE alumni for whom the department has contact information. A presentation comparing the 2020 Alumni Survey results with the 2019 results is posted on the department website here .
The 2020 Alumni Survey included the same questions as the 2019 Alumni Survey, and the demographics gathered show it was a differ - ent group of alumni who responded this year. Considering the soci- etal changes due to the COVID19 pandemic and the uncertainty in the employment in the energy industry due to lower oil prices, the responses to the survey questions from 2020 are remarkably similar to the responses recorded in 2019. Mines graduates share a com- mon bond of resilience and pride in their alma mater.
In each survey, the responses are grouped by years of Fulltime Ex - perience: 0-4 years, 5-9 years and > 10 years. Responses from the first group are used to confirm achievement of Program Education - al Objectives, which according to ABET accreditation criteria, are broad statements that describe what graduates are expected to at- tain within a few years after graduation. The questions about lifelong learning and the application of new skills in preparation for career change are particularly relevant this year as today’s energy work - force is at a crossroads. By asking the same questions every year, the PAB will be able to use the trends of results of the annual survey to guide their future advice for the PE department.
Select answers to the question about “which aspects of your PE edu - cation at Mines provided the best preparation for your career” from the group of most recent graduates include:
• Critical thinking, problem solving, economics.
• Stringent criteria for presentations and homework, workload
challenges, labs, knowledgeable staff and TA’s, field session.
• The instillation of a fierce work ethic has prepared me to
accomplish anything in any industry.
• Mines teaches you how to think, how to problem solve, and how
to learn.
• The knowledge and wisdom of the professors who had worked in
the industry previously.
• Learning how to solve problems and look at problems from various
• The rigor demanded of students, the multidisciplinary education
and team dynamics, networking, ability to learn new skills.
• The soft skills developed regarding ethics, teamwork, and
regulatory compliance. Working on large projects with integrated
teams is critical to success at my current job.
• The ability to problem-solve, self-educate, and persevere through
difficult situations.
• Solid technical knowledge, field experience, and professionalism.
• The rigorous nature of the program prepared me for most
challenges in my professional life.
• I think the strong connection that the Mines PE department has to
the industry and to the Denver area has been extremely helpful in
my professional development.
• Field session II was probably the absolute best.
• Going out of my way to build a network to help tackle tough
Check out the detaila at
We want to conitune to strengthen the department, and this requires a few minutes of our Alumni’s time. Please follow the below link to a short survey. Your participation is greatly appreciated!