PE_Newsletter_2021_Online, Page 3

PE_Newsletter_2021_Online, Page 3

| Message from the Department Head

Welcome to the 100th year of Petro- leum Engineering (PE) at the Colorado School of Mines! We have been plan- ning this celebration for quite some time now and are so excited to be able to finally celebrate it with you all!

This past year has been one of chang-

es and challenges, as we returned to

100% in-person classes in the fall ex -

cept for those classes actually devel-

oped to be online. Such didn’t come

without a few bumps in the road, but

in true Mines’ spirit, both the stu-

dents and faculty powered through. In

March of this year, we even got to take

our masks off on campus and remem -

ber what each other actually looked

like! Some research was delayed due to the pandemic and associated de-

Dr. Miskimins and Dr. Ermila with a portion of the graduating class after the spring 2022 Commencement.

ferred work in laboratories, but we’ve

seen that back-log clear for the most part. Overall, things are basi- and Exhibition (ATCE), which is taking place October 3-5, 2022, in

cally back to “normal” in all areas on campus, and we sure hope that Houston, TX. We can’t think of a more perfect storm with a fully

they stay that way.

in-person conference, our 100th anniversary, and the Houston loca-

As the saying goes, the only thing that stays the same is change, and we are seeing that once again in our department personnel. After 18 and 16 years, respectively with the department, Denise

tion to have one big birthday celebration! Please plan on joining us if you’re attending the conference or just in the neighborhood. Details are on the back page of this newsletter and on the ATCE website.

Winn-Bower and Terri Snyder will be retiring this year. It’s the end The second event is a new one that we’re very proud to announce

of an era with them both leaving us (Terri in September and Denise – in honor of the 100th anniversary, we will be kicking off a Colora -

in October). They have impacted so many students over the years, do School of Mines Petroleum Engineering Hall of Fame. We have

and we will miss them so very much! Maybe drop them a note if amazing alumni and supporters that have contributed so much to

you have a chance before they ride off into the sunset. There will the technical aspects of the petroleum industry and have had other

also be some changes in the faculty ranks this coming year, as we far-reaching impacts on our world. With that in mind, we wanted

have hired three new faculty members that will be starting in Au - to find a way to honor them, and future such contributors, thus

gust 2022 (two) and January 2023 (one). Dr. Parisa Bazazi, Dr. Serveh the Hall of Fame is born. The inaugural class (listed in this newslet-

Kamrava and Dr. Pejman Tahmasebi will be joining us to strengthen ter) was selected by a highly qualified and dedicated committee of

our areas in machine learning, data analytics, geomechanics, CCUS alumni and business innovators and will be inducted during a cere-

and hydrogen applications, among others. There is some additional mony held on campus on November 4th. The plan is then to have a

information on them later in this newsletter, and I hope you have new induction class every two years from here. This will be a special

the chance to meet them in person soon.

event, and we hope that whether you know the inductees or not,

Our 100th anniversary celebrations have been ongoing all year long, starting with kickoff events for both students and alumni in January

you will join us to celebrate them, their accomplishments and the Mines’ PE department!

2022. We’ve had monthly events of some type since then to honor I am honored to be the 12th PE Department Head serving at this

our alumni, students, graduates and partners and give everybody special time and hope that you can join us however you can in cel -

a chance to engage in the celebrations. We even planned to have ebrating and planning for the next 100 years. I hope that you and

a Massadona reunion in June, but just didn’t have enough folks your families are doing well and that this coming year of 2022-2023

sign up. Apparently once in Massadona really is enough for most brings health and happiness. As always, we love hearing from you

people!! If you’re interested in what events have occurred so far and what you’ve been up to, so please drop us a note and let us

and what is still planned, please check out the website at petro- know how you’re doing. Hope to see you on campus, at a confer- . We also have the department’s timeline and ence, or somewhere around the world soon!

some historical documents posted on the site that you might enjoy

looking over.

There are two remaining 100th anniversary events that I’d like to especially draw your attention to coming up in October and Novem -

Go Orediggers! Jennifer

ber. First is our reception at the SPE Annual Technical Conference