PE_Newsletter_2019_Online, Page 27

PE_Newsletter_2019_Online, Page 27

certain mapping areas in Skull Creek, as well as saving the day with chocolate malts when the temperature reached 950 F.

We made one addition to camp this year, as the Amoco seismic trailer that so many of you remember is starting to show its wear and tear of +30 years. We would like to thank Shell for sponsoring the purchase of a new “Tough Shed” that now houses our supplies and some operational activities – it’s now the only structure without leaks!

Every year when writing these ar- ticles, I try and capture some of the camp that might spur some memories for you, and over the years, we have had some students that do a better job than I do in achieving such. Many of you prob-

ably remember doing “morning

reports” each day for the

lead instructor. This year,

we had a phenome-

nally talented young

lady, Wan Jun Aida

Wan Ahmad Jo-

hari, also known as

Jun, who provid-

ed me sketches

each day. A bet-

ter description re-

ally would be that

she drafted cartoons

that frequently had

me laughing aloud at her

ability to capture the cur-

rent state of the camp. With her permission, she’s allowed me to publish a few as space allows for your viewing pleasure!

A couple samples of Jun’s apt cartoons.

How many of you wish that you’d had the first tip on Split Mountain? And how many of you completely relate to the second one?

In addition to Jun’s sketches, we’ve included some field session photos to spur some additional memories!

Best hat EVER at camp.

Cornhole will soon be an export to multiple countries.